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Originating from Hong Kong, Mendoza has been producing high-quality and durable luggage and travel bags for the past 25 years. Throughout the years of being in the business, Mendoza has refined its designs to cater to the ever-evolving needs and tastes of its customers. Its wide selection of youthful, vibrant, and reliable luggage and travel bags make Mendoza the ideal travel partner.

In Malaysia, the Mendoza collection is distributed by Leather Avenue. Backed by its motto of quality, flexibility, and versatility, Mendoza luggage in Malaysia ensures that its collections are unique, fashionable, practical, and most importantly high in quality.

Mendoza's luggage and travel bag collection in Malaysia can be found in Leather Avenue branches in most major malls throughout the country. Mendoza’s luggage online collection can also be purchased online via Leather Avenue’s website. Our secure payment gateway and fast delivery make us one of the most reliable places to get your Mendoza luggage and travel bags in Malaysia. 

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RM2,350.00 RM1,880.00